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Old 09-18-2015, 08:17 AM   #25
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Thanks Bob.

I myself get lost using this thing called computer.

However, this is how I have learned to post pictures. Others may have a better way.

First I upload from either the camera, or using the card in the camera to a website called

Once you register on the site, you just click on "upload" icon and it does it.

Then I choose the pictures I want to save and give it a file name.

Once it is loaded on Picasa3, I again chose the pictures that I want to post and click on "export" icon. This provides a file on the computer.

In the past, I was able to get an "IMG" link from Picasa3. For some reason I cannot now.

Thus, I now go to another website called Once I upload from my computer to photobucket, it provides me with the "IMG" code.

When you insert the IMG code in the text box, the picture appears on the screen.

The moral of the story is that somehow you need an IMG code for every picture to post that pictures.

It can be intimidating at first, but it becomes second nature once you try several times.

This is an example of an IMG code. I made it incomplete, so the code and not the picture appears here.[/IMG]

If I can do it anybody can do it.

Last edited by Mahigeer; 09-18-2015 at 09:07 AM.
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