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Old 09-18-2015, 10:23 AM   #5
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Baja fish camp
Posts: 478
I want to start with a big shout out for what MakoBob is doing making these trips sooooooo good. The new camp he's working on finishing by the end of the year can only be described a location "fishing trip to remember for a lifetime" GOOD!

Thanks again Mako for everything. The other members of the private trip will take a couple of weeks off next year to drive a total of fourty-five hundred miles just to do it again, and that in it's self is a testament to how great of a time you provide.

FISHING REPORT for the October group.

Things started out pretty slow because of weather (over one inch of rain in a hour on Wednesday night) mucking up the water to near zero visibility. The water quickly clear up, and the clearer it got the better the bite. The fish are biting everything jigs, plugs, spoons. swimmers, spinbaits and irons.

The Rooster fish are out in force all along the beach, a nod to the fly fishermen. I did not even try to target them. I caught my personal best Sierra, big and fat. Lots of Spotted Bass, Rivera Grouper, and some monster Triggerfish mixed in with the usual sized. Released a half dozen small Leopard Grouper (Cabrilla) and one that pushed 9 or 10 pounds (also released). The fish of the week however were the Orange Mouth Corvina, lots were caught in the 19 to 24 inch range, but we saw larger ones that would take the jig we were using.

I found a small group of Yellowtail near the cliffs in 18 feet of water tearing up a bait school. A quick cast and I was hooked up before the splash settled, and two seconds later it was running down between the rocks and broke my line. I grabbed my backup rig and tossed out a candy bar again, same result as before. The water was two shallow with to many boulders to stop from being rocked. The next few days I charged every bait school I saw active on the surface, but didn't find the yellows again.

While fishing the beach for Corvina we witnessed a large feeding frenzy of some large fish a half to three quarters of a mile out. The boil broken into two distinct boils and lasted just over ten minutes. We could not get there in time.

It's great fishing right now, water temperature was 88 degrees F. You guys are in for a great trip, take plenty of tackle and take some wire at times.
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