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Old 09-23-2015, 03:57 AM   #6
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Ventura COunty
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Sounds good to me if that works with the Capt. We will work out any money issues. As far as dragging a Kayak that is no problem for me.

Looking forward to this trip

Originally Posted by Gr8fuldude View Post
Mr. PukaShell,

I'm thinking about the following plan: Fish in the panga with you on the 20th and have the panga drag my kayak out to the island as we go out. I leave my kayak and camping gear on the island while we fish. When we are done fishing I get dropped off (and anyone else that wants to camp out at the island with me) and camp out at the island the night of the 20th. I kayak fish all day on the 21st around the island, camp out again on the night of the 21st. In the early morning of the 22nd, the panga can pick me up, we fish in the panga, and then the panguero can pick up and drag my kayak back to the mainland when we are done fishing around the islands on the 22nd.

If we did this plan, I wouldn't mind paying a larger portion of the panga expenses, since some (but hopefully not much) time would be taken dragging the kayak out and back.

Of course, any and all are welcome to join me for the island camping/kayak fishing adventure. I'm open to any modifications to this plan, but I wanted to put this out there for starters. Thinking about doing this panga/kayak camping adventure kept me awake last night!!
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