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Old 09-26-2015, 08:46 PM   #4
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congrats on figuring out Kayak Fishing is King!! Get your butt out of the bay and into La Jolla's waters asap. This insane fishing won't last forever. Just ck the surf reports and go out when the surf is less than 3ft. And if the surf is from the south, don't even worry about it since the launch is sheltered from the south swells.

I hoped you enjoyed your pan roasted rockfish. It's really a fun way to eat fish.
Figure out a way of incorporating some golden brown color into your old bay seasoning. Maybe add some Paprika. That will add just the right amount of needed color.

Q1: Sheephead? This fish is tricky because it can easily be under cooked. It takes a longer cooking period, but still stays juicy. Steaming sheephead makes for a perfect afternoon salad. My favorite.

Steam the whole sheephead, allow it to cool, then flake its meat off the bone. Chill in the refrigerator, then add to a well dressed salad. You'll think you're eating flakes of lobster. Especially since sheephead love eating lobsters.

Q2: Bonito? Sashimi or Jerky? Bonito makes for perfect sashimi, if properly taken care of from the moment you catch the fish. Never allow bonito to warm up, otherwise the meat gets mushy. This is why bonito has a bad reputation. Fisherman in the past, threw bonito in their bags and let them sit there all day. Then wonder how anyone could eat them.

Although bonito is part of the tuna family, very little of its meat is dark and fatty. It's 90 percent white meat, therefore useless for smoking and turning into jerky. But perfect for sashimi (or Baked Parmesan Bonito--my next recipe!).

Last edited by kayakfisherman; 09-26-2015 at 09:42 PM.
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