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Old 09-26-2015, 09:36 PM   #4
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I could give you specifics. But that's not what you need.

Q: Tartar sauce? Spices? First let's talk about tartar sauce. Figuring out what you like and how to create that. This is what cooking is all about.

Here's a simple example, if you ask me how do a build a home, I'd say, first learn the basics of home building, then add what you like.

So, tartar sauce usually has mayo, vinegar, lemon, relish, garlic, salt, pepper.
Create a mixture using these ingredients. Make sure the mayo and the acid are one part to one part. Then start adding other ingredients you like from your past. Capers? Relish? Garlic? Onions? As you build, taste. Ask yourself, is there enough tang (acid), enough creaminess (mayo, yogurt, olive oil)?, and is there enough texture (relish, chopped onion, chopped capers or garlic)?. Go from there and recreate your favorite tartar sauce, or be like me and always create something different that is structurally sound.

Spices? The easiest way to learn spices is to cook meals following other countries cuisines. Learn which spices go with Mexican dishes, Italian dishes, Asian dishes. Then apply these spices to your specific fish dish. This is a great way to learn to use spices and HERBS. Go Murray, go!
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