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Old 10-16-2015, 10:20 PM   #6
OCPhisher's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 42
Originally Posted by Harry Hill View Post
I'm introducing my wife to Newport this Saturday in the AM, mostly chasing spotties, .but if she seem comfortable I may take her out side the harbor to troll for bonita. We'll see how it goes. I can get some a anchovies if you think they will work better than krockodiles but it really depends on how she feels leaving the harbor. What do you guys think? Which way out of the harbor? Straight out, south, north? I would like to give her a good chance to be successful.
My son (age 10) and I just started fishing last year and picked up a tandem kayak this past summer (after much research and lurking on this forum). Still trying to put it all together. Prolly spend more time untangling lines and birds nests than fishing

We stuck to the harbor for pretty much the entire summer and just started venturing outside of it recently.

We usually head out straight towards the buoy and then hang a left (south) towards Corona del Mar and Crystal Cove. We've had luck trolling for bonita (using Lucky Crafts) and sometimes come across kelp beds where you can get into calicos --all short ones so far though.

On another note: for quick sessions, we've launched out of North Star beach and fished south side of the PCH bridge. You can only fish from shore until you get to the south side of the bridge, and harbor patrol & DFG are pretty vigilant about monitoring that area. We've had some pretty epic sessions there for spotties, and we both caught our first halibut there. They weren't legal (17" & 19.5") but we were still stoked. All caught on plastics.

Good luck!
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