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Old 05-21-2008, 07:53 AM   #1
Saba Slayer
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MLPA isn't coming to So. Cal. ! ! !

The MLPA isn't comming to Southern California...IT'S HERE NOW!!!
I attended a presentation and discussion for the MLPA South Coast Study Region last night in San Pedro with Paul Lebowitz and Grego and Steve/ Landwhale resresenting the kayakfishing community.
Representatives from United Anglers and the diving community and the surf and pier anglers were there too to represent the various recreational fishing groups. The commercial interests had met earlier in the day.

A group called Ecotrust in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey will collect, compile, and analyze information pertaining to recreational fisheries along the south coast of California. The want to find out what socioeconomic effect the MLPA closures will have.
To do this, they are looking for information from the expert knowledge of the fishermen themselves. The best way you can help in this process is to help us develop accurate maps of the local recreational fishing grounds and let them know which areas are of the most importance to us.
This summer, Ecotrust personal will use in-person interviews and a web-based survey to interview recreational fishermen in So. Cal.
Don't worry about giving away your favorite fishing hot-spot. Ecotrust operates under a strict confidentiality protocol. All information collected
in the interviews is anonymous.
There were a few individuals that were invited to come down here to So. Cal that had been involved in the MLPA process up north. They had lots of very insightful informatin on the process they had been involved in. They stressed the importance of developing the maps of our favorite fishing areas. These maps and the information used to develop them is probably the most important thing we can do to help keep your favorite areas open. They will help us set our battle lines to defend your fishing rights in these areas!!!!
Please financially support United Anglers or the Kayak Fishing Association they will be needing the money to defend our rights against the ecologists demanding wide closures.
These closures are coming and this is your chance to help yourself and your fishing friends NOW!!!
I my humble opinion, you must be a part of this process or you have no right to complain and whine when your favorite areas are closed forever!!!!!!!!
There will be public workshops and DFG meetings...attend them if you can. Paul Lebowitz/PAL and I will help inform you of any upcomming dates
When it comes time to select our (kayakfishermen) representative to send to the Stakeholders meetings PLEASE help to select Paul.
HE IS THE GUY FOR THE JOB...He is well informed and he understands the process!!!!!
OK...I'll put the soapbox away now....just...PLEASE BE A PART of this process!!! It's IMPORTANT to us ALL!!!!!!
Jim / Saba Slayer

Last edited by Saba Slayer; 05-21-2008 at 09:05 AM.
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