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Old 11-02-2015, 06:51 AM   #1
Saba Slayer
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Takin' Kids fishing...

This is a boat report on a couple kayakers and their son's...getting em hooked on fishing...

The weather was perfect... the Bones were biting...and the Whales were everywhere!
We got 2 young fishermen hooked this weekend.
Jason and JJ were out first. We dropped a few nets for some daytime crabbin' and then we started trolling to find some Bonito.
It didn't take long to have a few tripple and quad hookups...

JJ had a blast and pulled on fish till his arms were sore.

To finish his workout we had the kid pull a few nets...

The Whales were in the middle of the canyon and there were 4 of them just feeding and lazing around.
it was amazing how close they came up to the boat while we were fishing. There were Porpoise and sea lions and Sheerwaters and Gulls diving on the whales as they surfaced it was a full on nature show.

Sunday was Shawn and Hunter's turn...

Hunter had never caught a saltwater fish and he had his fill.

The kayaks, boats, and SUPs in the background were whale watching.

"Daddy it's too strong...I can't turn the handle"!

I hope their Dad's remind them that it's not always WFO and National Geographic.
Jim / Saba Slayer

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