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Old 11-05-2015, 07:15 AM   #25
Join Date: May 2013
Location: San Diego - North County
Posts: 82
All the flame throwing aside....(fun to watch; slow day)...

The only time I've ever flipped on open water was LJ with a nasty swell and wind going the other way... I had a friend right next to me that time and all was well.

Now I have a radio on my PFD, backup GPS and I carry 12g flares. My PA 14 has a hull full of pool noodles to fill up the empty space. I have USCG and SD Lifeguard dispatch on my phone too...

A mile may not seem that long when you're using a mirage drive, or when you are a skilled surfer, in shape and in a wet suit...but I would have a really hard time battling wave, wind and even a .5 knt current with no fins, a PDF and maybe some clothing. Chances of me swimming back in from a mile off the point in those conditions...not good.

I'd make the call early, before I was totally exhausted. 'Cause I love my life, my wife and my kids wayyyyy more than my pride!
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