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Old 12-04-2015, 11:01 AM   #43
Saba Slayer
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Hey Guys...quite your whining and get those heads in...I'm not sure if you 2 guys were fishing WSB when United Anglers was around but the program was a lot more successful and easier to work with.
Jim...if those heads are that important to your friends...I'll make a few calls and find out who has a wand to wave magically over your heads to determine if they have a tag...hell, if they are only using them for stock or soup...freeze em and get them checked at your convience.
Really...?..."Hubbs has never been open for me to meet "Eric" (I'm a weekend warrior). If I get greeted, it's "the freezer is outside, drop it there...or go across the street and drop it off at Dana Tackle...oh by the way, give all the info on date, location, the guys at Dana too.
I've made requests to be notified if/if not this is a tagged fish...I ask for the drum bones...a mere acknowledgement that I did my part, but no. The responses have been near ZERO. I have never been told one of these fish are tagged..."
They say that Hubbs will return the stones if you ask...but I guess that hasn't happened? Can I help you recover them?
And...perhaps the fish didn't have a you weren't notified...I doubt if they call and tell each individual that it was a negative on the scan. I didn't see any of your fish as recovered tagged fish on the report that Hubbs gave at the AFTCO meeting on Wednesday. They actually have a report on every one of the recovered fish, with size, age, release area, and the area caught and who caught them.
I'm sorry Jim... but I think your asking for personalized service from a group that is operating on a shoestring budget. I know that they were cut 20% this year on their budget.
As I said in the earlier post...CCA is just getting involved in the WSB head return game and we intend to get it back up to the standards that UA had set it at for years...please bear with it and don't give up the effort to see if your heads are tagged. Freeze em and I'll work with you on finding a's valuable data...especially now as the WSB project is going through a scientific review and the proven sucess of the program determines if it will continue in future years. Please continue to be patient and work with us.

Jim / Saba Slayer

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