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Old 12-17-2015, 05:03 AM   #14
Fishing Patriot
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Originally Posted by Kayak_Bernie View Post
So I started kayak fishing in the Great Lake around Wisconsin and Michigan , and once you get past September in Lake Michigan, you need to stay dry, with water temps in the 50's the bass , and trout really start to bite, but if you fall out you may not have much time before you succumb to hypothermia. So immersion gear became very important, not having hundreds of dollars to spend on a dry suit I improvised. I use chest waders and a dry jacket with a rubber or neoprene gasket at the sleeves waist and neck. This combo served me well in the chilly midwest and pretty much year round in the Pacific Northwest, where water temps usually never make it over mid 60's even in mid summer. I flipped a few times coming in after fishing for lings/rockfish and stayed dry and toasted, but most importantly I stayed dry and toasty after taking a few waves over the bow while launching. Jim Sammons has a couple of good videos on you tube about staying dry while wearing the same combo, also you get to see Jim jump into a pool while wearing just waders to illustrate why a belt is so important. Stay warm , safe and dry out there, Also remember to bring a waterproof radio, despite all the immersion gear, and pfd, if you get separated from your kayak, that radio may be the only thing that saves you. Not trying to scare, just be prepared. My motto is that its always better to have and not need than to need and not have...
Nice! So you fished the great Lakes for bass and trout, but what about the walleye? Best tasting fresh water fish imo! They remind me of like a fresh water smaller cousin of lingcod with the way they look.
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