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Old 12-25-2015, 10:45 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Saba Slayer View Post
I know there are some haters that don't believe in the project...but those of us that raise those little baby WSB are passionate about the program and believe in the good it is doing for the species! ]
Jim-man...You previously...blindly...called me out on donating heads (of which I have in the past) and now I'm assuming you're calling me a hater because I've questioned the real succes of this program.
Fill in some blanks for me please:
Do you pound on the commercial industry to turn in their heads or do you only go after kayakers who rarely catch wsb?
Have you sent out the same request on Bloody Decks because I don't ever recall reading it.
Do you have any passion about reducing the commercial sales of our dwindling ocean resources to Asia or will breeding programs offset that?
I'd rather take $900k and fight the raping and pillaging by the commercial industry ESPECIALLY IF IT'S ALL BEING SOLD TO ASIA.
Kayak fisherman are not the problem.
I am a member of CCA. Why not call out those who have not yet joined?
You throwing stones at a CCA kayak dude...not cool. I'm just saying.

Recreational Fisherman's Catch...2%
Commercial Fisherman's Catch- 98%
Recreational Fishing Kayakers Catch- .00001%
"The reality is that the wall was built to keep all Asians ~specifically Japanese and those that think they're japanese~ out of the U.S"

Last edited by Deamon; 12-25-2015 at 10:51 AM.
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