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Old 02-28-2016, 07:10 AM   #2
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I made a kage a couple years ago, took it on a few trips, but didnt catch any thing big enough to use it. Mostly I made it for fun, not cause I felt I needed one.

Don't wanted to diss our local fishing but we don't have any big dangerous fish (except sharks, which I don't fish for). In HI they use kages on billfish, wahoo, n big tuna. You really want these fish dead and held at a bit of a distance until they die. They can stab you, cut you, and beat you to death, respectively. Sadly, we don't have fish like these.

WSB are strong but fade fast and are usually gassed out and exhausted at boat side. They have teeth but nothing that's gonna tear you up. YT basically don't have teeth, and only a few spines. Halis always have potential to freak out, but again, they can really hurt you. There's a poster here on BWE from AK that uses a harpoon with a break away head on pacific halibut. These fish can get huge and a freakishly powerful. A harpoon is the only safe way to dispatch then.

Ive found YT super easy to release. They have a strong tooth less jaw and thin caudal peduncle you can hold. I grab the jaw then the tail and pull them across my lap. Remove the hook. Then slide them off the the other side head first with a bit of a push and off they go.
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