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Old 03-01-2016, 07:07 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by taggermike View Post
So evidently we're drunken wily poachers that hate hippies. Who knew?

This citizen protrol idea came up right after the mlpa "debates" ended and the "good guys" realized there was no money for enforcement. I recall the idea didn't go over well with anglers.

Education and out reach sound ligit cause many anglers don't know laws or boundaries. But if it goes farther than that things could get ugly. These folks are not LEOs and have no authority what so ever. They may know less about the actual laws than the anglers do.

And from a kayak angler's prospective I think we're going to be forced to deal with these folks more than most other anglers. We're small and slow, will be looking up at them, we'll be close to shore, and concentrated in known areas like off LJ. We're the low hanging fruit. These folks arnt going to be running to Cat, the 43 fathom cow cod area, or off south IB when we're so much easier to find.

I dont have a GPS so what am I supposed to do if one of these "good guys" motors up n tells me I'm in a closed area? Crap I hope we don't have to deal with this harassment BS. Record all interactions for your own defence I suppose. Mike

Step 1 turn on go pro

Step 2 notify them that they are impeding your ability to engage in lawful fishing. If they do not leave you alone go to step 3. If they do then continue fishing.

Step 3 Call in their hull number to the CG and the San Diego Harbor police on CH 12 as it is not an emergency.

Step 4 Report violation of above code and ask for LE assistance.

They can offer free advice all day long. Buy once you tell them they are interfering with your lawful ability to fish and they don't move it becomes problem.

Let's see how many "do gooders" will loan them their boats when they are all tied up in court.

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