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Old 06-09-2008, 09:39 PM   #1
TXyakker's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: PB
Posts: 26
Finally, after 3 yrs! LJ 6/9

So i was planning to hit the Bay after work to try and get some butts, but forgot my wet shoes when i went to work so i had to come home first. While at home, i check the surf cam here and said man, that looks like a pretty awesome little surf. Then i read Darkhorse's report about Sunday afternoon and had a little change of heart. LJ sounded like a good shot to try yet again for that coveted yellow. I changed the rigging on my rods real quick and headed up to the cove. The surf was real little just like the cam showed, and i made it out no problem. The bait was hard to come by, but two other guys launched a little before me so i kept following them out, and out, and out. Eventually found a group of Spanish macks on the surface, probably chasing little sardines or something. Turns out they were a little big for bait, but i did manage one "jumbo" bait sized mack. Pinned him on and kept paddling out, away from the beach. I was thinking it was going to be a long paddle back in, but hopefully it would be worth it. I had put the paddle down for a little, just kind of drifting when all of a sudden i see these boils that were pretty big. I had seen a seal swimming around, so i kind of figured they were seals chasing bait, but i grabbed my iron rod and slung the blue/white sumo over in that direction and started cranking away. About 10 cranks in, my line goes tight and I'm BENDOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I had a good feeling about this one because i was in 120 feet of water, no kelp anywhere in sight. While i was fighting her, the pack i pulled her from started boiling again around me. Even saw a seal pop his ugly head up while i was fighting her. Kind of freaked out and said some choice words to the seal praying he wouldnt find my fish. She put up a good fight, but in the end I won and brought my first yellow to the boat. I put her in my lap, and a PB, the "Lil Playa" was near by so, even though i felt guilty, i asked for a picture. They were great about it and helped me out getting a good shot! Thanks to those two guys, and hopefully the fish gods smiled on them too. After the picture i pulled some gill rakers to bleed her out but she didnt seem to bleed much. Tied a rope through her mouth since i dont have one of those handy giant fish clips, and put her in the water for a bit. I wasnt leaving her there long, so after a little i put her in my lap and headed back to shore. Sure enough, it was a long paddle but well worth it. Had a couple on the beach help me out with another photo shoot so i got some more good pictures. Taped the fish out at about 37", dont know the weight but it didnt matter. My first Yellow after 3 years and it came on an iron, so i'm super stoked!!

Thanks again Darkhorse for convincing me to head for the cove rather than the bay, and thanks to the 2 guys for my on the water photos. And now, for the pictures:

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