Thread: Baja Trips
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Old 03-08-2016, 08:20 PM   #3
Malibu Stealth 12
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Originally Posted by dos ballenas View Post
I bet you recommend driving at night too?

If you don't know about the FMM then you really have no place giving out Baja advice.... look it up bud. Sure you have made it home safe to date, but you have been rolling the dice.

Oh and in my, and many others experiences, do NOT speak in Spanish to the police or mexican military. Playing the dumb gringo will get you much further.... Mexico needs our tourism dollars and the cops and military are aware of this, and are informed that they should not hassle Americans. I have never had to show any of the insurance paperwork, FMM, passport, etc. (been pulled over and asked for a bribe many times but talking in English always has gotten me out of it with no bribe or ticket). That said anything can happen so always be prepared.
Funny that you might say that, I actually do travel mostly at night. However I never recommended it. It's just how it works out for me.

Just to be clear.... in response to your negative comment suggesting what I should not do (If you don't know about the FMM then you really have no place giving out Baja advice.... look it up bud.)

I never gave out any advice, all I did was share my personal experience which is what the original poster asked in regards to traveling without a passport.

Too add to that... in my personal experience (I have been traveling to Baja my entire life), I have found that being able to communicate, (speaking a little bit of spanish) goes a long way, and not playing the dumb gringo (like you suggested), I have also never had to pay a bribe or ticket. A little common respect also goes a long way... bud.
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Last edited by SDROB; 03-08-2016 at 08:27 PM.
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