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Old 03-12-2016, 07:10 AM   #24
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 39
Lots of wind out there

I used to take a sailboat out to the channel islands a lot. The wind really rips out there, especially in the spring. It will be blowing 20 at Ventura, 30 at the closer islands, and 40 at the far islands. I've been sitting at anchor several times at the east end of Santa Cruz, when the wind is predicted to be to be 15 to 25, and we sat there and watched the anemometer clocking gusts of 40. We used to joke that when the forecast said winds from X to Y, you add X plus Y for the actual winds. The weather forecasts were notoriously low.

This time of year, the typical day will start out calm, and the wind at the near islands will build to 30 by 1:00 PM. You'll need to leave at first light and get there by noon, otherwise there's a good chance you won't make it. In October, however, the winds are much lighter. We always had the boat reefed in and rail buried on spring and early summer trips, but wound up motoring on fall trips.

If you leave from Ventura, the prevailing wind will be a little to the right of head on as you're going out. So will the current, although the current will be even more to the right as you get close. All the more reason to get there early, because you'll be fighting both wind and current.

Be sure to have a GPS with you. One of the newbie mistakes on an island trip is to underestimate how far away the island is. You start out, the island is barely visible through the mist, you go for a while, and then there's this big huge island in front of you. You think you're almost there. Nope, you're only half way, and it will be hours before you hit the beach. Be sure to have a GPS so you can determine ETA, and know if you need to abort.

Did you notice that the north side of anacapa for the eastern half is a state reserve? I think that means no fishing. You might have a long paddle from the campground to the legal fishing area. Be sure to check that.

The web site for anacapa also said you have to carry your own water. That will make an extended stay difficult.

They do have water on Santa Cruz. Given the time of year, the no fishing zones, and the lack of water, that's making an island packer trip more appealing.

But I'm not positive on all the details. If nobody with more info posts here, do get on one of the sea kyaker forums and get their views.

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