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Old 03-12-2016, 04:30 PM   #30
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Location: Ventura, CA
Posts: 376
So theres a few guys on this site that have been there done that with the Channel Islands and crossing the channel...I being one. Its a very very bad idea to do this now. Don't think for a minute we are saying this because were some old washed up pussies. Commercial fishing boats cancel trips all the time. 35'-75' boats, not 15' pieces of plastic. We have all set out thinking it was going to be the best trip ever and came back kissing land hugging friends with a tear in our eye. Take island packers, do a handful of trips, and you will see how brutal those islands can be. I was up all night in November on anchor watch in Smugglers Cove. The day we went out, Island Packers turned around in the channel. Your not allowed to go on land where ever you want. This is not the national forrest, or special BLM area. I have been one mile off shore shitting trying to get back to shore on big seas and heavy switched winds. 1 guy died a few months back in the Ventura Harbor when a 5' rouge wave flipped there fishing boat. One guy swam a 3-500 yards and his buddy didn't make it. 1/4 mile from the shore in a boat. Don't fuck with the ocean. Shit gets real fast. Look, we all care about you and what your doing. We want to see you yak and fish for 1,000's of days. Please hear our sincerity in this. TaggerMike and I saved 2 guys at La Jolla over the summer. It was spooky.

Last edited by 2-Stix; 03-12-2016 at 04:40 PM.
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