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Old 03-15-2016, 08:06 PM   #11
King Saba
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Originally Posted by Harry Hill View Post
I am going through the start cheaper and work you way up phase. I wish I had just bitten the bullet in the beginning and bought a better yak but being retired stops some plans. So I started with a bass pro ascend fs12t because I didn't know any better, very stable but it works you. Then I had another consideration when moving up, my wife who loves to fish and had a sit in ascend has some nerve damage in her hands so she can't tie on hooks or lures anymore so we needed a tandem so I don't have to keep paddling back to where she is every time she breaks off. So money still being a factor I bought a Malibu Pro2tandem that is hard to set up for fishing but I am making it work. If I had been smart though I would have bought the Jackson Tandem or the Native tandem. both are already set up for fishing but much more expensive. I guess what I am saying is though if you can wait, get the better kayak. At the rate I'm goiing I'm going to have three kayaks sitting in my yard while I fish out of a fourth.
Why not sell the old kayaks? You can scrape some money back that way.
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