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Old 03-16-2016, 10:01 AM   #2
sandico's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: San Diego
Posts: 94
A lot of good information in this thread. I can speak to this very comparison. I have a bad back and have paddled both of these kayaks. Comfort is the most important factor. The seat in the Thresher really gets me in less than an hour. The Kraken seat is much more comfortable and I can last a lot longer before I have any pain. I am also able to stand up in the Kraken for short periods to help me relieve/rest my back. I am a little smaller, 190, but still can stand. I currently have a Tarpon 140 and have had Tarpon 160's for 11 years and will be getting into a kayak with a lawn chair style seat. I also like the XFactor and Stealths but the seat just doesn't work for my back. I also am waiting to test out the Tarpon 130X. We will have it in the shop after the Fred Hall Show at Del Mar where it is currently in our booth. Early comments from Iceman is that he really likes the 130X as a paddler with a comfortable seat. Just remember what others have said, sore back equals a kayak in the garage!

Come check us out at Fred Hall starting tomorrow, deals to be had on many of the kayaks at the show

OEX Mission Bay
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