Thread: Fish ID?
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Old 03-21-2016, 12:08 PM   #36
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Rancho San Diego, California
Posts: 32
Originally Posted by Silbaugh4liberty View Post
HAHA!! Love the way you think! Looks yummy. You're right, peace officers (cops), DFG, CHP, etc. only care about one thing, CONVICTIONS, because it pays their salary. Plain and simple. Sure a few might have the right intentions when they first join, but with the labor unions, it all goes to shit quick fast and in a hurry. Ever wonder why there's no REAL victim? It's the Judge(commissioner), Prosecution and the cop all ganged up against the defendant (YOU), and they ask you if you're going to waive your constitutional rights in order to enter a plea whether its guilty or not guilty. Why is that? Why do you need to waive your Constitutional rights? Because it's statutory law (contract law) which doesn't have jurisdiction within the confines of the Constitution (civil law). They never have "Corpus Delecti" (which is the injured party, either physically or monetarily), they just have the lame ass claim that you injured the "People of the State of California", which is complete B.S.

At the end of the day I am not sure if I would rather be boarded by the Mexican military while fishing or inspected by a DFG agent, seems like both are fishing for dollars. Last time I hunted quail and had called it a day, I was inspected by the DFG after I had dismantled most of the gun and was cleaning the remaining pieces before placing them in the locking case. I had to re-assemble it for inspection as he claimed someone was shooting too many rounds in the area and was "missing the plug in their shotgun." I am not sure he had the right to inspect my gun at this point as it was already in its Benelli travel case after being mostly cleaned but complied. I hunt Mexico as well and do not use a plug in Mexico a it is not required and now never remove it until home while in California. I just don't trust the agents anymore as another time I was approached by an agent as I hung my thresher over the side and the agents asked what I was dumping over the side as they approached. I really had no idea they were even approaching as I was trying to dispatch the shark versus let it slowly drown. The agent boarded my boat and disagreed that I could catch a thresher in Feb and wanted to see the shark and my license. I showed them both and was "released unharmed" but their boat-side manner has a lot to be desired. They were polite once they realized I had not been dumping any evidence over the side of my boat as they approached. They should not treat us like a criminal until we are acting like one, simply fishing or hunting should not mean that we should be approached as a violator.
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