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Old 06-17-2008, 12:38 PM   #1
TheSherThang's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 82
Late Report for Cabrillo 6/15/08

Got to the beach and waited for my friend to arrive but no show due to a mixup.

Tay and myself did our first beach launch. Tay got caught in the wave. I just waded out till I was past the wave and jumped in the yak.

Fished outside near the kelp beds for nada. Paddled to the lighthouse and Tay caught a short sand bass.
Paddled inside and got some bait from Anthony, friendly as ever but no news on the bites.
Fished the inside near the beach and the boat ramp for nada.

Moved to another place and setup a drift with 2 live baits. Began getting some raked baits. Reset and wham-o. Fish on and began the fight. ZZZZ, what the f*ck, 2nd bait gets picked up. Got the first halibut and it looked alot bigger than the one i caught at the last cabrillo tournament, maybe 30 in. Right when I'm about to gaff the sucker, it goes ballistic and comes unhooked. I grab the 2nd rod and set the hook and a couple seconds later, it pops off. I was friggin pissed but oh well. I look at the first setup and WTF? the hook was bent straight! 2nd hook was still on.

About that time we decide to paddle back in. Let me tell you, it was friggin hell trying to paddle back in as we were coming in from the end of the breakwall. I swear it must have taken us over 2 hrs. By the time we got in, we were beat. Talked with a lifeguard, 4 kayakers needed rescuing and 1 had hypothermia and was sent to the hospital. Thank goodness we were able to make it and didn't give up.

Last edited by TheSherThang; 06-18-2008 at 07:31 AM.
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