Thread: Sun fish
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Old 03-31-2016, 10:36 AM   #9
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Ok, lets correct a few things. They usually feed on jellyfish, but will also feed on Squid. I have them on video trying to eat my Squid, Sardine, my flasher and my camera. So they are not tied to a particular diet. I have caught over a dozen of them, with most being on Squid. I have never targeted them, but like Batrays, they will hang out around Squid spawns. Their skin is more like sand paper than leather and will scratch your kayak. When the Squid are around you will typically see lots more of them. They breach a lot during the spawn, and seem to be able to do so over and over again. They also do some finning as a part of their mating or courting ritual. I have seen them in multiple groups of 10 or 12 at the surface doing it.
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