Thread: Cedros 3-30
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Old 04-03-2016, 07:08 PM   #1
Saba Slayer
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Cedros 3-30

Wednesday, our second day of kayak fishing...we launched at the north end of the salt factory and looked around with Rapallas and iron for some early season Yellowtail.

Getting the kayaks rigged at the south end of the island by the salt factory.

The surf launches on the leeward side of this island are pretty sketchy...

This area is supposedly the hot spot for Big Yellows in the summer and fall...

Omar moved south to the other side of the factory and called us in on a WFO Calico bite...

It was a "Bad Neighborhood" with lots of lost fish and also some of the biggest C&R'd Calicos we would see on the trip.

The white belly 5" swim baits worked best again.

I had to get in one photo...

Omar was killing the Bass today...

This is the "I finally got him out of the rocks...before the swell got me" look!

Finally..."the right kind"

That was it...nothing but these little rats up to 8lbs. The Calicos were bigger...LOL!

We came in south of the salt factory with another tough surf landing...

Dinner tonight was grilled Halibut with some mango avocado salsa on top...and as usual... washed down with some more of that ice cold Tecate.
Once it got dark we sat around the fire pit and marveled over the number of stars in the sky and lied about our biggest fish released today.
Back for more Halibut and Calicos tomorrow...
Jim / Saba Slayer

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