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Old 04-14-2016, 07:55 PM   #10
We all Stink Sometimes!
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Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: San Diego
Posts: 165
Although I don't agree with some of the posted speed limits, it's best for public safety and interest to follow them. In this case, same deal.

Also, we can attempt to change the laws, but until we do, we need to follow what's in place, regardless if we believe it's fair, right or otherwise.....Heck, I think it's stoopid we can't carry a pistol on a plane for protection, but there are laws against it.

And hopefully when you show up in court, if you humbly admit your mistake, maybe the judge will reduce the fine or even throw out the ticket. If not tho, lesson learned and you can walk out with your integrity, .....and if you have kids, something you can share with them..... just sayin'.

All the best.........Pinhead Out!
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