Thread: YARD SALE!!
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Old 04-25-2016, 04:27 PM   #23
King Saba
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Originally Posted by stevie951 View Post
Thanks for the kind words brotha,, This is actually my 5th Surf Launch, every time from LJ, about 10th or so time on the Kayak... But yeah, mistake #2, not timing it well enough and just jumping the gun...

As to a Pump, yeah I have the hand Pump, stayed nice and clipped to my Bow... Problem was the first time I was fine, second time around, the Yak was underwater so long and I was so out of breath, I could not flip her over in the surf for the life of me.. Took me at least 30-45 seconds... Looking over it and noting the battery wire issue, not even sure if a Auto Bilge pump would have worked? Although people have suggested here in the past that you stuff your area where your battery case is with blanket like material to avoid this issue.. Learning curve, doh!

I fell the issue is my my size though as well no? How large are you? The 14' being so big already, I'm 6'1 245lb on a good day so this does not help whatsoever... Gotta get to the GYM

And as to your Paddle comment, I sure hope so because that was another issue of mine. I have a hand me down, the cheapest paddle that Crack of Dawn offers, just a lug! Being out of shape, i was huffing and puffing trying to gain power by dragging that thing through the water.
Man sounds horrible. I never fiddled with the auto bilge pump with my stealth. A hand pump was good enough.

Lol you have more surf launching experience than me. It's a skill in my eye.

I'm 5' 10", 178lbs. I have a stealth 12 that I used to huff and puff with when the winds and swells picked up. It's a beast weighing in at 73lbs, not 55 as Malibu states, with all the hatches and no add ons. Super stable yak for sure, but damn hard to paddle since it doesn't carry a cadence. This is where a lighter paddle helped me since I was almost always cranking out strokes to move along steadily. Really suggest getting a lighter paddle. I went from a POS Carlisle paddle (41.5oz) to a super sleek and light Werner Camano (27oz). With that simple upgrade my fatigue went down dramatically where paddling for 6-8hours was very doable.
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