Thread: YARD SALE!!
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Old 04-30-2016, 08:23 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Socalkayak View Post
I have the stealth 14 as well. I've had several yaks and like the stealth but it has to be the worst yak for paddling through surf. I say through because unlike others it doesn't go over waves or white wash for shit it goes through them so your face takes the brunt of the wave. And water doesn't drain off deck fast enough. And let's not get into the hatches. Again great fishing yak but not made to go through surf at all and unfortunately I only surf launch at countyline. Surfed my whole life so my timing is good but one small white wash and you are now paddling a bathtub. My stealth has sunk in the surf as well no pump would have helped. Sank to the bottom. I clipped on a rope and slowly worked it in with the wave. Piece of crap. My solution now 2 yaks. Calm day stealth 14. Chest high or over the trusted old style prowler with limited hatches. Always the trade off.
BRAVE MAN, surf launching and Stealth 14 at County!? Haha but I feel you, as many times as I have heard just power through and you will plop over; nope, the opposite like you said as with the 14' I feel every time, I just crash right through that shit, no upward propulsion. It has been a wet launch every surf launch for me no matter how well I time the Lulls... And when Loading her up on the car, when I flip her over, on a good day (Bay/Harbor Launch) only about A Gallon or so of water pours out of the hull; but on several occasions when Loading her Up, I have flipped her over and 5+ Gallons of water just faucets right out the Hull scupper(Of course the Scupper Plug was not taken out till days end)... Leakiest hatches ever.. And lets not talk about the Seat area/ Seat Scuppers But yeah man, once out on the open water, even like today with the 5-6 foot swells I was chillen Indian Style fishing so it has it's perks; I heard it referred to as "The Barge" one time and that in my honest opinion is the best assessment... Like you said, I am def. learning that she is not the best for surf launching in rough conditions, glad I was not the only one who felt so lol
"A Reel expert can Tackle anything "

~Malibu Stealth-14
~Malibu X-13
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