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Old 05-02-2016, 07:15 AM   #14
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Well unfortunately you admittedly committed the crime...the fine seems pretty excessive to me. But good news is that the BWE's unofficial Legal Expert is on your team. Soon you will be notified of the steps you should take in this matter. You will soon learn that it is illegal to make things illegal thus you will be victorious in your long protracted legal fight. You might incur several thousands of dollars in costs, due to lost work, travel expenses, possible arrest for non payment of fine, real attorney fees and possibly having to pay the fine anyways in the end... But not to fear! You are the test case! We will be watching and hoping you can stick it to the MAN! (totally at your expense of course)

By the way if you get arrested for not showing up in court for not paying the fine....uhhh It's not really anybody's fault here just so you know...
There's nothing colder than yesterday's hotdog.

Last edited by ful-rac; 05-02-2016 at 07:22 AM.
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