Thread: Night Fishing
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Old 06-05-2016, 07:03 PM   #8
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Night fishing is no big deal. Until you try it, you'll see. Major peaceful on the big ocean. First off is you can't really see the surf at launch so that removes that angst. Punch through and away you go. It's amazing at how well you can see in the dark with the ambient light, even at a new moon. Occasional sea dogs flying by under your plastic craft to keep you on your toes. The only issue I've ever had was at a new moon and heavy fog so I couldn't get my bearings. I launched and got out past the breakers. But something didn't feel right. Once I fired up my GPS, I realized that a ripping parallel current was dragging me back to the Marine Room and wanting to plant my ass on the beach. Major peddling got me out of that predicament.

Of course, there are no fish in the night time, NOT!

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