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Old 07-07-2008, 01:51 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Perth. W.A.
Posts: 25
Shuf's and Shorty's West Aussie Adventures, continued...

Here's another tale from the West Aussie boys (and wifey)!!

What a glorius day for Kayaking, mother nature really turned it on!

Almost a shame that the fishing gods were out at the pub, almost....

Day was beautiful, me and wifey had a decent fry up before Shorty arrived, and we got ourselves ready. Was a respectable little shorebreak, and the wife was sh&^**ing bricks, but with a decent bit of timing, and a healthy shove from Hubby, she got through!
Col and I also got through, but let me tell you , nowhere near as dry as wifey! She was pretty happy with herself with getting out tho!


We decided to spend the arvo just cruising around Seal Island, and Shag Rock. Wifey throwing a few soft placcies, and me and Col with the squid jigs.

Col's rig!

The blue Beast!!

There was a fairly cracking swell out behind the islands, and even in the sheltered water there were a few getting through. On the way in we had a good old time surfing the peaking waves throughout the bay!!

Wifey ripping a few sets!

Colin sure proved to be a real killer on the squid! Caught about 3 in 3 minutes at one stage, and a few real rippers throughout the arvo!

Col with Insta-Calamari!

We did well on the squid, had a great look around, got in a bit of surfing, and then negotiated the evil little dumpers on the shore to finish of a sensational afternoon's yakking.

The lad's with there slimey haul!

I also got my first inking, great stuff that..


So i dropped wife of home, cleaned up her yak and headed off for part two of the arvo. By the time i arrived at Kwinana Beach boat ramp, the wind had all but died, and the sun was just setting. Bloody marvelous!

Kwinana Sunset!

So we backed up onto the ramp and setup the yaks. Great little launch spot this, as long as you have someone to help place your yak in the water, no dragging over the crete for us! The guys on the jetty seemed to be getting a few herring, good signs it seemed.

Our Rides!

So off we paddled toward the Grain Jetty, and the Mussel Farms. The water was beautiful and glassy, and the sun setting in the background made it a magic paddle out. There were dolphins galore, and no wind. Cant complain!

Col on-route,

So we cruised out to the dropoff right nest to the end of the grain jetty, where the mussel farms start. Over the space of about 10m the water depth drops about 8m, thought this would be ideal country. We anchored and burleyed up, waited, few nibbles, nothing. I moved in a bit closer to the start of the dropoff, and Shorty hooked up a stingray which gave him a bit of curry! But unfortunatley, not much else was to be had. All around me i could hear dolphins surfacing and expelling air, so maybe they had fished it out!
So we cruised in about 8pm, said our goodbyes, and headed home to some warm clothes and dry jocks.
All-in all was a fabulous day. Wifey had a ball, conquered a few fears, and both of us got some invalueable time on the yak. Seems everytime i go out i learn something, and today was no different.
Big thanks to Colin, again he proved to be a reliable and great yakking buddy, thanks mate!!

Oh! And looky here, a first for me!
My first Pinky on a kayak!!!!!!!

Small steps guys, small steps!!
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Hobie Adventure - "Shufoy"

Brett Ozanne
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