Thread: friday 8/12 AM
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Old 08-12-2005, 04:24 PM   #3
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Thanks Adi. Here's my story. Told Adi I'd meet him down there around 5:15am. I was a little early and ready to go when he got there, so I took off to scout it out. No sign of life at the buoy. Got a big mac on the rapala, flylined his ass. No sign of life or bait on the way out, figure'd I'd go see if I could find my rockfish spot. Found it, but much slower, couple reds and bocaccio. Join up with the crew at the kelp. I saw the big knothead coming towards me and was just thinking to bring in my nice greenies when the flylined one goes off. Little yelllow. nelz is yelling "reel, reel,reel" or something to that effect, I'm horsing this little sucker for all I'm worth, but that big f$cker knows what he's doing. He had it by the tail so I'm still hooked up, hoping he shakes and drops. Nelz makes several good charges at him but he won't turn loose. Smart mofo goes down and under a bull kelp stringer, but my 65lb spectra is making it tough for him. Finally he shreds it enough so the head breaks loose. After the pics I see him chowing on it so I charge after him hoping I can free gaff whatever points are left, but he grabs it and dives. I hate that thing. Looked fishy but I had to get to work so I made the long troll home alone. At the beach I told some tourists a shark got the rest, scared the crap out of them. Weighed the head, about 10oz. One point at a time, baby! Better watch your ass, Ken/Andy/Arne, I'm closing fast.
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