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Old 08-02-2016, 06:31 PM   #4
Baitless on Baja
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Vista California, Gonzaga, San Quintin, Asuncion, Mag Bay
Posts: 4,250
John and Troy

Guy's seeing I am making the trip anyway, do you want me to pick up an extra one for you two to fight over, or should I bring back one for each of you. Let's see, leave tomorrow night, drive to Lodi, have appointment with Dan at 10 am, purchase yak, load and hopefully be on the road back by noon. Arrive Vista 7-8 pm, finish groceries, hit the sack, get up at 2 am, truck already loaded and on the way to Gonzaga by 3 am. Cross border by 6 am, breakfast at Taco's Poblanos by 8:30, then Gonzaga before 11am. Play time!!!!!!!

This is WHAT I do to keep motivated, stay busy, no reason to get down in the dumps, take your lemons and make lemon pie, you deserve it. Quit your bellyaching and complaining, DO something for yourself. Make plans, post them, by posting you force your self to make them happen. Live EVERYDAY to it's fullest!!! You are the only one responsible for your attitude iand contentment it is ALL in your hands. Only YOU can make yourself HAPPY. If you are still having a problem with this, step back and look at it from a different direction, there is always a way. If all else fails, just take a friend fishing. Tight Lines.

Home 760-630-4470
Cell 760-520-2514

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