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Old 08-04-2016, 04:59 PM   #11
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 84
Originally Posted by Kayak_Bernie View Post
People like me... You mean a Wetland Ecologist, with a double masters degree in Bio-toxicology and Wetland Plant Ecology. You mean people who have fought tooth and nail with giant oil companies to help clean up a spill and restore function to 38 miles of prime fishing river. Or do you mean people who have stood up at CCC meetings in Oregon and defended our right as anglers to fish over the rights of commercial gill netters. Sorry to say friend , but if YOU think that I am out of touch because clean air and clean water are important to me, then sir, I am sure that I do NOT want to be in touch with whatever reality you are living in...

I am a scientist, I always look at things through a different lens than most I suppose, but if you think that our ecosystems were in better shape back before the EPA, NOAA, NASA, USGS, USFS, USFWS. I'd like to see ANY peer reviewed, scholarly article that refutes that position. The regulatory agencies aren't always right, they aren't always wrong, but I know that through policies enacted by these agencies we have saved endangered animals, plants, and ecosystems that would have long ago been lost without those policies.

We take for granted our clean water comes out of the tap, or it's safe for our kid with asthma can go outside the and wait for the school bus without a mask. Spend some time in a third world country, Shoot go down the the TJ river and take a good look around and tell me we are worse off here.
i meant people exactly like you that derive their total income from the continuation of every program that the government funds to take away the rights we have that are written in the state constitution...go look them up...

i bet you are about 32 years old...youy bought into the save the world attitude that your profeeeesors instilled in you and now even though you have a consumptive hobby like fishing and drive miles in a carbon producing vehicle to do it you plead holier then thou .The epa long ago ...before you were born.... cleaned up 97% of the pollution in this country...they because bureaucracies rthey only die when governments do and since they have found and fixed all the big sources of polluiton continue on down to smaller and smaller point sources that get ever more expensive to fix...and they like you don't give a rats ass what it does to the very same economy that allowed us to have the luxury of "concern for the environment",,,,if you and you cohorts continue to kill this vibrant california economy we will have to dump all concerns for the environment for survial.....the evidence of the faltering california economy is there so cash in your government job pension as soon as you can and go be a pain in the ass to some other state
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