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Old 08-24-2016, 02:59 PM   #1
Sea Hunter
Join Date: Nov 2011
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LJ fishing report for 8/24/16 Wednesday

Calm conditions at the launch at 5am.Paddled out just past the boundarie and fished two bait poles one for squid and one for mackerel.while I was working a cuttlefish lure for squid the mackerel pole got bit with two Rapala size mackerel. I didn't no they were there and the two mackerel tangled my ganion and they almost died but I was able to save them.I could only catch one more but one gill broke so I released it.I put one mackerel on the dropper lupe and kept fishing for more mackerel off the church and big motel for a good 2 hrs but nothing so I decided to paddle out west and flyline my last mackerel was in 170 ft of water about 4 miles from the launch and zzzip fish on I bring to Gaff a nice yellow.with no more bait I decided to put the sail up and the Rapala out and head in only got one baby Bonito released on the Rapala to make a long story short prefect conditions but bait was not biting I'm pretty sure there were some hookups outside of me if you fished today lets hear your report water temperature was 68° to 71°
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Duke Mitchell

Last edited by MITCHELL; 08-25-2016 at 05:08 AM.
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