Thread: CDFG
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Old 09-01-2016, 08:50 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by wiredantz View Post
the notion that California Constitution includes a right to unregulated fishing has been consistently rejected in court decisions upholding statutory and regulatory requirements to possess a valid license to fish in California and to comply with seasons, bag limits, methods of take, and other legal

The right to unregulated fishing, was never my argument. My right to regulated fishing, is my right, without a fishing license. This is my argument.

I need to go understand the cases that went to court.

My understanding of the court system, is that the lower court will never allow a case to go to federal court, they will dismiss it or lie to you so you miss you court date if your right....

Something interesting I found out, is that the word fishery in the black law dictionary is defined as the liberty to fish.

Well the US Constitution by law gives enforcement to the declaration of independence. Because it is always in succession. Meaning it enforces it.

So if fishing is a liberty, shouldn't it be a right?

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness....

Going to the book store tommorrow, I have a little fascination on law right now.

I replied to Mrs. ORME Liz from CDFW:

And I quote:Thank you for providing court cases in which all anglers are able to understand and comprehend the laws and it's principles in accordance to fishing.

Now that we have gone in a full circle, and I have read the court cases, I can formulate a better question:

Since Marbury v Madison 5 US 137 (1803) states the U.S. Constitution as the Supreme law of the land and no other law can conflict it with it,do I, myname,have the California Constitutional REGULATED Right to fish on California public coastal waters on a boat, without a paid fishing license? (Murdock vs. Pennsylvania 1943)

According to the decision of the Supreme Court case of Murdock vs Pennsylvania(1943) A constitutional right, even if its a regulated right can not be turned into a privilege,license, and then be charged a fee. If the state does turn my regulated right into a paid license , I can ignore ignore the law and I will not be punished. Shuttlesworth v burningham (1969).

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Last edited by wiredantz; 09-02-2016 at 06:18 AM.
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