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Old 09-19-2016, 10:55 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Baja fish camp
Posts: 478
Update on fishing conditions at Makobob's from Sept 6Th thru 14th trip.

Water temps 79F, last year 85F+.
Visibility, clearly saw the bottom at 30 feet.

Bait is everywhere, with micro baits on the surface down to 15 feet for two solid miles. Medium and large size baitfish hanging down below the micro baits in small to large baitballs. Larger baits were scattered around from the shallow water to deep waters.

The bite was slower than usual for the area due to the amount of bait fish. Most fish caught had their mouths full of bait, indication lures provoking a reaction strike. No large fish were caught, and fishermen who spend four or five hours on the water caught thirty to forty fish a day.

Fish species caught this year:
trigger fish
spotted bass
gold spotted bass
orange mouth corvina
rivera grouper
gulf grouper
kelp sculpin

I hope this helps you pick your flys. Movement noise, and splash will win the day down there right now.

A lot of roosters are crowing next door and roosterfish are feeding on mullets along the shore.
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