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Old 09-20-2016, 01:28 PM   #12
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Join Date: May 2009
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Don't feel too bad...

Sometimes you just can't catch'm, no matter how good they're biting or how good you are, or how good you think you are. There's always the next trip you can jump on and catch'm! In fishing you will never stop learning, there's always something new to learn or some technique you have never seen. It's awesome that the galley cook helped you out with a fish, that was above and beyond.

Although on this trip you didn't realize that you were using the wrong hook size or's something that you should be asking about and or paying attention to.

Keep this in mind the next time you go fishing it might help you....
Fisherman can be pretty stubborn creatures...they get set in their ways, and want to catch a fish their way no matter what. Or they'll have a this worked for me the last time so it should work for me this time mentality. Iv'e learned that faster you can put your stubbornness aside and switch to whats working at the moment, the sooner you will catch.
There's nothing colder than yesterday's hotdog.
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