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Old 07-23-2008, 11:20 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
Posts: 987

Proof, once again that keeping your eyes open (with a good pair of polarized glasses) pays off, time and again.

The past week of not being able to fish was killing me (good south swell and friends in from out of town). Checking this site and confirming daily, what I already knew didn't help. As a matter of fact, it (pictures of large fish on kayaks) made it worse . I'm always happy to see others catch fish, but I couldn't wait to launch the Revolution again. My schedule finally cleared around 4:00 p.m. monday afternoon, so a last minute scouting mission went down. Before I even made bait I saw two giant Yellowtail (#40 class fish) swim across my bow. Making bait was a serious problem this afternoon, and proved to be my downfall. I had an opportunity to watch a beautiful sunset, thinking "what could of been". Having solved the riddle of "location, bait of preference, and time of day", I set out tuesday afternoon on a mission. The conditions looked just like monday and my confidence was on high. I made bait on my first drop with the light line sabiki, and sent two baits out. It was almost an hour before my Penn 500 Jiggmaster started screaming at me, and I mean screaming. I felt like one of the guys on the "Kingfish tour" as I put the reel in gear, and listened to the jiggmaster scream during the first run . It was quite a run that had me thinking big shark, but soon the heavy tail beats were obvious. This fish pulled straight towards the only structure in the area , and I used the Mirage Drive to keep the nightmare from unfolding. No dogs around, so I enjoyed the heavy bend and ripping multiple runs. When this fish came to color I realized it must of been the runt of the litter, but 34lbs. 7oz (45" fork length) isn't too bad for summer.

Before the computer kills you, I would suggest doing something about it, good luck!
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