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Old 10-04-2016, 03:29 PM   #1
east county dirtbag
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 34
Originally Posted by GTboosted View Post
romspacenut owned up to it. The end, right?

Nope, looks like romspacenut is on the right side of this "tight knit community". So some people decided to bash Chet after romspacenut already owned up to it.

Ps: I am not against anyone(specially not romspacenut, sorry, just had to use the name so that my response makes sense). I just jumped in because it wasn't cool for Chet to get called a crybaby or whiner just for calling someone out.

Also,the analogy of the dealership was made to compare a very small fraction of the cost vs the main purchased item. Not to compare customer service, business practices, competition or whatever. It is within context because, even if they are worth .00001 of what you paid for the car, you would still want those mats.

Some cars come with mats from the dealer and some don't. I know from personal experience over the years so your analogy still doesn't add up. Just cuz you want something doesn't make it exist.
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