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Old 10-04-2016, 07:20 PM   #1
east county dirtbag
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 34
Hello, well this one time I came home from a hard day at work and decided to go fly my raptor 60 with 70H engine. When I got to the park there where these midgets trying to run after my helicopter, I walked about 50 yards away from them flying my heli towards me quickly and landed fast to pick it up. I didn't know it until I seen one of them come from my left side and the lil guy just jumped right on top of it. I called to police and they had an ambulance and 3 cop cars come out. They said he lost every finger and his nose was cut off as well. He lived. The cops said that they where called out to the park 2 other times for the midgets trying to attacked planes. I think this whole situation was way off key, hope they are in a mental hospital by now.
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