Thread: Election 2016
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Old 11-09-2016, 06:22 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Mahigeer View Post
If I recall it was the assassinated president Kennedy who said that.
A Democrat.

Sending trump to run a country is like having a laborer do brain surgery, because all of the surgeries have been done by medically trained staff.

Now lets see if the laborer can do a better job.

He never showed his tax returns. He had bankruptcies and he took advantage of small business.

He molested women, insulted everyone, his wife worked illegally, so on and so far.

Lets agree that we disagree, but don't use the love it or leave it bullshit.
Unfortunately, Kennedy was the last Democrat that believed in the motto. Now the voters on that side are only concerned with what the government can give or legislate for them or others. And their politicians are about what they can give (or promise) the voters to improve their wealth or power. Not that the incumbent Republican politicians are any better.

How well do you think the career politicians (some would call experienced) have been running the country? They all seem to be more interested in building their own power and wealth than advancing the country (both parties).

The one sure thing with stronger borders is that there will be fewer people willing to take less money to do the work that should be fairly compensated for. That will do at least 2 things, drive out unscrupulous businessmen that take advantage of them while hurting their legal competition. Second, it will drive up wages for the lowest wage earners. I think those "laborers" will appreciate it.

Tax returns? really? Do you think he cheated on his taxes or do you think he should just offer to give more than the law asks of him?

Bankruptcies, I will give you that one as a legitimate argument against him, but most successful business people have failed before they became successful.

I am pretty certain you would not be able to find a successful business person that you could not accuse of taking advantage of small business. Hard to stay afloat paying all your suppliers suggested retail price.

The only thing proven about the abuse claims is that some of them were certainly untrue.

While he said some things I thought could have been phrased differently, and a few things I disagreed with, he never offended me. In fact, the only groups I can think of that he directly offended was "radical Islamic Terrorists", illegal aliens and career politicians. That is if you don't interject your own "interpretation" of what he actually said and meant.

For those of you concerned that having the house, senate and presidency controlled by the same party, you might want to consider that the first 2 never considered Trump as part of their party until they had no choice. He was a lifelong Democrat until recently, and I believe he will remain very moderate. His main differences with Democrats now are border security, the government can't give away (or spend away) prosperity and runaway regulation kills business.
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