Thread: Election 2016
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Old 11-10-2016, 08:52 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by Mahigeer View Post
If I recall it was the assassinated president Kennedy who said that.
A Democrat.

Sending trump to run a country is like having a laborer do brain surgery, because all of the surgeries have been done by medically trained staff.

Now lets see if the laborer can do a better job.

He never showed his tax returns. He had bankruptcies and he took advantage of small business.

He molested women, insulted everyone, his wife worked illegally, so on and so far.

Lets agree that we disagree, but don't use the love it or leave it bullshit.
Well said Mahigeer. I am saddened by the outcome of this election (once again, the electoral college doesn't represent the majority), but it is what it is - the country has spoken. We will see what happens in the next 4 years.

It's a shame, in my opinion, that voters overlooked all those things you mentioned above for the sake of change. While I understand that people think our system is "broken" or what not, to elect someone who is blatantly evil as outlined above, makes me very sad. There is no excuse for his behavior and bullying. NOT from someone presidential. Let's see how far his supposed business sense can take this country. If it turns out for the better, then good for the country. If not, then I hope those who voted for him will realize what they've contributed to.
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