Thread: Election 2016
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Old 11-11-2016, 11:46 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by taggermike View Post
Most of the students in my daughter's school are Hispanic. Most are frightened with groups of students crying in the halls. Well done America.
You've said a lot about yourself in a few sentences.

Since your daughter goes to school with mostly Hispanics, you must be working class, or let's face it, your daughter wouldn't be going to that school.

You feel the America of your Grandparents is slowing disappearing.

But from what you have posted, your flashpoint is probably the return of jobs from Mexico, China, etc... Why does your daughter go to school with Hispanics? Is it her fault? No, it's yours because your income doesn't qualify you to live in areas where Hispanics aren't prevalent. So you voted for an Elite Billionaire who is all of a sudden going to bring jobs back? But how will you qualify for the high-paying jobs, you can't get them now, how will you get them when Trump takes over? I get it, you want to put iPhones together for min wage! But then you're back to going to school with Hispanics.

It sounds like you want a hand out and to tip the scales back in your favor without doing any work. You must be a liberal!
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