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Old 11-25-2016, 06:15 AM   #4
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Laguna Niguel
Posts: 89
Always enjoy reading your posts. I know the spot your were fishing well and had no idea the bluegill could get that big. The striper bite there can be awesome when they're running and chasing down shad. This time of year there's little boat traffic which makes it even more doable.

After seeing Iceman's post on his river trip and reading yours, it's definitely something I'm going to put on my agenda and take the yak up there. Cruising in and out of the coves fishing the shelves for LMB and smallies is so relaxing and fun.

Watching your son catch a bunch of fish had to be rewarding. So many of us have memories of doing the same thing when we were young. For me it was with my grandpa fishing local lakes and the the Socal coastline.

Great job getting out on the water with your son. If you have any desire to adopt another kid, say a crusty 64 year old one, let me know!

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