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Old 12-21-2016, 07:27 PM   #1
Saba Slayer
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Rockfishin' in the rain

This storm blew in a lot faster than we thought it would...
Another midweek Redondo Fish Taco adventure...Slight off-shore winds in the morning and it was easy to feel the bottom and the light bites.
Once again it was tough to hold bottom at 230' and almost impossible to react to the bites in time to get a hookup when the wind picked up...and once again the swell and wind died down as the wind tried to switch around so we went lighter on the weights and hooked up a bunch of Vermilions and a few Coppers to get close to limits again...
It was a beautiful view as we watched the rain travel across the city and head toward us...and then the storm hit us and it was a wet slog back to King Harbor...we should have left a half hour earlier but we just wanted to try and limit out again.
We paid for our greed...the good news was that everything got washed off on the drive home LOL...!
Get out there and get those Rockfish while you can...the season closes for two months at the end of December.
Jim / Saba Slayer

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