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Old 01-02-2017, 09:51 AM   #12
Orca Winfrey
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Join Date: Sep 2015
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Originally Posted by HoxFeesh View Post
Hello, and a happy new year to all! I'm new to the site, and I recently decided to give kayaks a go. I'm as wide as I am tall (big guy), so I'm interested in any thoughts on which direction to take (brand, models, etc.). Lakes and saltwater usage would be the plan.

I'm sure this topic has been discussed before, but didn't see anything via a few searches. If any threads come to mind, feel free to shoot them my way. If not, looking forward to any other responses here.

Thanks folks!!
It naturally depends on your budget. Definitely a sit on top and at least 13ft long. Some brands are Hobie, Ocean Kayak, and Malibu.

For used yaks, Craig's is a good source, but you have to keep scouring for a long time till you find that one gold nugget. The for-sale section in this site is a great source for fishing-ready yaks at great deals and everyone seems on the up and up.

A pedal yak like a Hobie costs more but is fast and can cover lots of water. Also, you can fish, text, and eat lunch while moving. They also have a huge advantage against the wind. I have a paddle yak and a friend and I got caught in 20mph headwinds. He had to tow me back in with his Hobie Revolution because I was losing ground between every paddle stroke.

Lastly, don't cheap out and get a "starter" yak just to see if you like yak fishing. You will. It's is highly addictive and the most fun you will ever have. Welcome aboard.

Last edited by Orca Winfrey; 01-02-2017 at 10:40 AM.
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