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Old 01-18-2017, 06:49 AM   #11
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I believe that the fines (at least portion of it) should go toward making a Public Service Announcements on TV. They should collect fines and have PSA TV segments in different languages, broadcasted in corresponding channels. This will inform the general public that such and such is illegal, which in turn make them more aware.

It will also put the poachers on notice that there are more eyes to watch them, even if they do not have the authority to do anything.
Poachers are very aware and knowledgeable about the laws, but some in general public want to follow the law and are not aware of what is right and wrong.

Furthermore; they are not aware of the consequences of violating the laws. If they see that keeping a short lobster could be a costly fine, they may think twice before doing it.

I saw at the Redondo Muni. pier, a pound of spiny lobster with the shell is about $46.00. That is with the shell.
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