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Old 01-21-2017, 11:30 PM   #6
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I have a lexa 300 that I have been abusing for the past two years, mostly on the kayak. It's held up great, requires the least maintenance of the reels I use regularly (not difficult to service, but not as simple as an Avet).

I mainly use it for bait, rockfishing or as a backup once bait is made (I'm on the no sibiki rod side). I have used it while fishing poppers for smaller YFT, and it was fun... that is until a larger model fish took the pooper and spooled me. Guessing the fish was 30-40 pounds, as it cleared the water completely when it hit, and the reel did not enjoy it. I think the 400 would be better in this situation, more line so you can back off the drag a bit.

I have also hooked a larger YT while rockfishing with it, and again while it was capable of the job it was not the best choice IMO. At least with the 300 the smaller frame didn't like all the pressure it was under and I just felt repeated torchure like that would kill the reel.

Best thing they come in left hand retrieve........ (yes I'm one of those freaks)
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