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Old 03-10-2017, 06:44 PM   #15
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 47
I think you would love the outback.

Now, don't get me wrong - its a beast too - but in conjunction with the trailer I built for it and a bit of smart loading and unloading, I can usually minimize carrying or having to severely manhandle the thing.

Basically I am able to angle it off my trailer, slide it down at the landing/beach/lake whatever, and then just carry my stuff to it, push into the water and go.

Its a nice stable boat too. I flipped mine once and it was a very extreme circumstance. I ended up completely broadside in a river with about a four mph current and managed to hit one tiny log sticking above the surface right in the middle of the side of my hull, plus said log was pointing right at my angle of attack. This was 100% my fault as I let the boat get broadside...
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