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Old 04-12-2017, 07:19 AM   #4
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Ventura COunty
Posts: 521
You can follow Mako to the border line and no way to get lost from there. He will then move over one lane to be in the SENTRI line. Gas is no issue as long as you keep trips to Gonzaga down to a couple. Top off on the way down and on the way back if needed in San Felipe. Yes bringing down meat for the restaurant is the way to go unless you want to cook something special at camp. The Chile Verde was excellent and the Chicken Mole is always a crowd favorite. All meals at the restaurant were excellent. Start off fishing in the AM by the point. Start your drift in 30 or so feet of water and drift out to deeper. Look for triggers and spotties with jigs or mega baits. Deeper water will produce Sierra and Corvina so look around. Check out the finger reefs to the North at low tide to get and idea of the structor you will be fishing. Hopefully the whales will still be around for you to check out. You don't need a SENTRI card to visit Mexico just a longer wait to get back to the US. Just roll up your windows, turn on the air and get ready to shake your head "NO". Get ready to have some fun. Bring a pair of binoculars to check out the sights
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